Monday, July 23, 2012

Small Businesses, Big Sacrifices | RedState

[Dan Bongino is running for US Senator from Maryland. Promoted from the diaries by streiff.]

I awoke this morning at 5am to the sound of my six month old daughter Amelia crying. When I entered her dark room I saw my wife, struggling to stay awake, holding Amelia in one arm as she was attempting to work on her barely lit computer screen with her other arm. My wife Paula is an entrepreneur and a business owner, she also happens to be a first generation immigrant, who suffered through much chasing her American dream?all of her hard work culminating in her pledging allegiance to our flag as part of her citizenship ceremony, still one of the proudest days of our lives.

I am writing of this incident because it succinctly describes a scenario repeating itself all over America today. Small business owners are making incredible sacrifices in the struggle to keep their businesses afloat. This is the reason the President?s ?you didn?t build that? comment has infuriated Americans across the political spectrum. The simple fact is that my wife did build ?that.? She built her business, through countless hours of hard work and a commitment to a quality work product. I marvel daily at the countless hours she spends at her home office designing and repairing small business websites. She is the very epitome of the American dream, collectively enhanced but most importantly, self-made and personally driven.

The President?s statements are equally infuriating because he is attempting to create a fissure between Americans where there isn?t one. No Republican I am aware of is running for office on a platform of no taxes, no roads, no teachers and no military. I cite these examples because the President chose to mention the use of roads, the work of good teachers and the development of the backbone of the modern internet, through a military research initiative, as examples of how government should be the primary recipient of accolades for individual success. This is absurd and displays a backward logic which is hard to justify. It is the very success of people, such as my wife, willing to put their names behind a business endeavor, with no guarantee of success, that finance the government?s spending and projects the President speaks of. It is my wife?s?along with millions of others struggling for a better tomorrow?sweat, toil and willingness to take a risk that has made America exceptional amongst nations, not its roads.

The economy is clearly struggling, Americans are hurting and they are scared. Scared, that for the first time, yesterday may have been the best it was ever going to be. This has never been a part of our national psyche. The President?s statements will haunt him in this election as they echo all over our vast country. As my wife and I struggle through this wretched recovery, I feel the pain of Americans hoping and praying that there is a better tomorrow and I ask the President to stop creating division by asking who built what, and to focus on getting our growing legion of unemployed Americans, just asking for a chance to build anything, back to work.

Dan?Bongino?is a Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate from the state of Maryland. He is a decorated Secret Service Agent who served under three presidential administrations, and was the lead security representative for the United States for foreign presidential visits.? Dan is a small business entrepreneur who has obtained graduate degrees in both Psychology and Business Administration. His wife Paula is a first generation immigrant and a successful business owner. Dan and Paula have two children, 8 year old Isabel and newborn Amelia.


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